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Importance of Access Control Systems

Access Control System Chennai India, Access Control Systems Chennai India.

Importance of Access Control Systems

ATSS ESSL Access Control Systems

Importance of Access Control security systems are increasing day by day in the local areas and also in the internationally due to their high security, advanced in technology and quick response from the developers of these systems. Access Control security systems create the safe and peaceful environment with the help of their latest technologies. Let’s have a look at why access control systems are the vital components for your business, home, or organization.

What is Access Control Systems:

Access control is a security system that will help you in your business to control access at the specific time to some areas in your building, community, or organization.

Why is Access Control so important:

Any organization or business where many peoples visited in a day will surely go to be benefited by these access control security system by their ability to control who is allowed to visit in the building at any span of time, that is an essential factor for the security of the people who are working in your office.

How does access control work:

There are three ways by which individuals can be authenticated with these security control access devices. First one is with the password which is only given to the organization members. The second one is by the pass phase; this is a type of passcode in which individual user get an alphanumeric by the admin with the help of this, members can bypass the security access system. The last one is by pin, this is only a digital passcode, for example, 12345 will be your pin to bypass the security system. In the high-security areas sometimes smart card or fingerprint, or both will be used to bypass the security system.

Here are some important reasons why you need access control system:

1. Protect your employees:

Safety of your employees is a must-have a factor for the stability and successfully running of your business. Access control system allows every business and organization to provide a safe and working place to work which will be a relief for both of your employee and employer.

2. Restrict Unauthorised Access and reduce theft:

According to a survey report by “The Association of Fraud Examiner” in the April 2015, there is more than 5 percent theft of the revenue annually in an organization. Whereas the small the business, the risk of revenue theft is more.

In that case the access control security system help to identify who has access to what places in your building. Also, it helps the organization to limit the number of members, who can access the high risk and product stock areas.

3. Electronic Visitor, History Muster, and Logging Reports:

The access control security system has an additional security feature that provides you a report every time, any member of the organization bypass the access security system by record the activity at every place where these systems are accessed. The report also helps the business to manage the attendance of their employees by recording the time of entry and leaving time.

4. Eliminate key problem:

This access control security system eliminates the old-fashioned of using the key to unlock the door of your office. Nowadays with the help of this security system, you can quickly unlock your door by swiping your smart card (can be used to access the door and also an id card of the employee which help the organization to keep a record of attendance of their employees), can use your fingerprint and buttons.

Your employers and employees will always be safe from the unwanted intruders.

5. Customize individual schedule:

The access control security system will allow the individual to access the building at your scheduled time. For example, you can set the 9 to 5 time in the day for your employees, access to visitors when you give them an appointment at a specific time for the short duration of time and for the manager to access the building 24×7. Not only this, you can set the very sensitive place to access only to the manager’s or the staff that are working at that place.

6. Provide remote access:

A security control access system allows you to individually grant the access to the people who are not a part of your organization at your own convenient of your office or home remotely with the help of a wireless device.

For Your Access Control System Requirement CALL 91500 12345

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