Tailgating Detection System

Detecting Unauthorized Entry by Tailgating in Real Time

Tailgating Detection System – Handling important information, including the PrivacyMark system, the protection of personal information, internal control, and the ISO 2700 series, is a major issue for companies. With its extensive experience and knowledge, OPTEX helps users establish a security system according to their individual needs.

To prevent leakage of personal information

As part of efforts to protect sensitive information, an increasing number of companies have introduced IC cards, biometrics, and other authentication systems as well as access records management. However, these systems cannot prevent unauthorized entry by tailgating, which does not appear on security records.

The OV-101 series, which was developed by a combination of our unique human tracking technology and access control systems, offers solutions to detect fraudulent tailgating by tracking people with a high degree of accuracy.

System construction according to customer’s security levels

Our tailgating detection system allows customers to establish a security system while effectively utilizing existing facilities, according to their security needs, installation sites, and budgets.

Deterrence and warning

Example: Office in Which attendance is Managed by a Card Reader

If tailgating occurs, a warning is given against unauthorized entry via an alarm and warning lamp.

This system can optimize the use of existing facilities and access control systems, enabling customers to reduce capital investment.

Simplified prevention

Example: Printing Firm’s Room in Which Personal Information is stored

When the presence of two or more people is detected in the detection area, a warning signal is sent out.

The automatic unlock function is disabled by sending the signal to the electric lock control board.


Example: Tailgating Prevention at a data center

The OV-101S, in combination with the access control system, can disable the electric unlock system when two or more people are detected in the room in front of the safety interlock.

This system ensures more sophisticated security by authorizing only a single person to be in the room at any time.

ATSS – Technology Solutions Provider

activenanda: DIGITAL MARKETING - My Passion Myself From 2006 Started Learning Digital Marketing Online Through Various Sources Implemented Practically to Generate Marketing Leads To My Company ATSS. More than 12 Years Experience in Digital Marketing. I am also focused on putting my passions in learning Digital Marketing. It's a Ocean, Still Keep On Learning New Things Implementing the same to my Business Active Total Security Systems - ATSS
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