eGlu Gate Controller

A brand new age gadget is here to help you out! eGlu Gate Controller is a fancy gadget that helps in controlling the motorized main gate.

eGlu Gate Controller, Smart Home Control System Chennai | ATSS
Control your gate from anywhere using an app or a wireless remote! With the Gate Controller, you can open and close your gate manually or program the controller to do it automatically. You’ll never have to worry about forgetting to lock your gate again. This controller makes life easier for everyone, whether you’re home or away!

Why should you settle for basic gate automation when you can have a world-class experience? With eGlu Gate Controller, you’ll never have to worry about forgetting the remote again.

Gate Controller-EGGC02R

Gate Controller lets you control your motorized main gate. The controller is connected in parallel to the existing wired remote controller of the gate which typically has three buttons for open, close, and stop functions. The Gate Controller has 3 relay outputs that provide a momentary pulse.

eGlu Gate Controller | What It Controls

Locks | Gates | Boom barriers

Separate controls to open, close, and stop gate operations.

Works as a repeater to extend the signal range.

Retrofit any home without altering the existing electrical wiring and interior decor.

Voice control through smart assistants

Integrated with smart voice assistants like Alexa and enhance your daily experience. Use voice commands to control your home devices. You can also create custom commands to automate and schedule them for specific purposes.

Intelligent garage shutters controls

Automate garage shutter motors to enable remote control. Open or close the shutter seamlessly when you want without any manual effort.

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